
Spotlight of the Day: Pokemon!

Sorry I haven't been blogging as of late, I've been having...technical difficulties.
/le sigh

I made this nifty friend on seXBox who sent me a Nintendo DS & Pokemon Platinum! I'm super pumped to dominate the shit out of the game & nerd it up hard enough to train a lvl 100 Meowth (hell no I'm not evolving my Meowth, MEOWTH IS A PIMP! Ummmmm Pay Day? HE MAKES IT RAIN ON DEM HOES!)
Anywhoo, I thought a Pokemon themed entry would be epic. Remember to click on the artist's name to view more of their fabulous art work!

By: NuX

By: Peter Pan Syndrome (HNNNNNG- SO. MUCH. PINK.)

& I'll end it with something awesome.

"12 Days of Pokemon" By: SliferTheSkyDragon

 12 Bulbasauring
11 Lapras Leaping
10 Tentacrueling
9 Tails-A-Wagging
8 Muk a Mukking
7 Squirtle Squirting
6 Diglett Digging
5 Goooolldeeeennnnnnnnn!!!
4 Charizard
3 E-kans
2 Elactabuzz
& a Farfetch'd with great agility!

WHEW! Any ideas for my next entry?



  1. These artworks look great! I love Pokemon :)

  2. Great artwork! I loved that Feraligatr <3

  3. Awesome art and awesome blog, I'll keep an eye on you from now on.
